Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013


haloooooo.... gan!!
masih bersama ane nih, karena bayak yang nanyain vb6 di indowebster ane kasih dah...
yah secara singkat vb ini pembuatan program dengan bentuk visual itu ajah dah...

Spesifikasi minimum yang diperlukan :

* Pentium® 90MHz or higher microprocessor.
* VGA 640x480 or higher-resolution screen supported by Microsoft Windows.
* Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or later, or Microsoft Windows 95 or later.
* 24 MB RAM for Windows 95/98, 32 MB for Windows NT.
* Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 or later (version 4.01 Service Pack 1 or later for DHTML application developers, and 4.x for end-users of these applications).

* Disk space requirements:
o Standard Edition: typical installation 48 MB, full installation 80 MB.
o Professional Edition: typical installation 48 MB, full installation 80 MB.
o Enterprise Edition: typical installation 128 MB, full installation 147 MB.
o Additional components (if required): MSDN (for documentation): 67 MB, Internet explorer 4.x: approximately 66 MB.
* CD-ROM (no MS-DOS support assumed).

Sumber : 


Pasti lebihkan hello 2013 masih di bawahnya wkwkwk *becanda gan!!
tapi kalo ente make windows vista atawe hgigger baca Disini yah...
link buat nyedonya Download

Serial Numbernya : 111-111111111


2 komentar:

  1. gemana cara mendownload nya gan???
    udah dari tadi di coba kok gak bias yahhh????

  2. hello
    saya mau tanya itu aplikasi vb6 nya klo d instal sdh satu paket ga dengan msdn libraryx(untuk bantuan help)
